In most churches, worship is usually expressed in singing accompanied by instruments. As a worship leader and musician, I began to search the scriptures for amazing expressions of worship that fit this definition of worship.
One good example would be the dedication of the temple as recorded in 2 Chronicles With huge choirs singing, the Levites playing their instruments, and the priests playing their trumpets, surely this must be the greatest worship service in the Bible. But after more consideration, it did not even make my top 5. The following are my picks for the 5 greatest expressions of worship in the Bible.
Surprisingly, this is my only choice that includes singing. However, this is no ordinary song service. Considering that this duet was coming from two men who were beaten, bruised, and in shackles, their worship was pure, heartfelt, and honest. Some of the greatest worship can come from the most unlikely source.
This woman was an outcast who had been used and abused. But something about the words and actions of Jesus caused her to bring her most valuable possession and pour it out in an expression of love and worship. In one moment, she pressed through fear, prejudices, shame, and created one of the most intimate moments of worship in the Bible. Jesus, however, is mentioned in the Bible, specifically in the New Testament but also mentioned in the Old, though not as 'Jesus'. Michal is mentioned for the first time I Samuel David marries her in I Samuel It is mentioned times in the bible.
The first time the word "prophet" is used in the Bible is Genesis where in a dream, God tells the King of Gerar that Abraham is a prophet. In the King James Version of the Bible, the word 'will' is mentioned 2, times. Gladness is mentioned 2 times. About times. There have been millions of Christians over time and most of them are not in the Bible.
Log in. The Bible. Bible Statistics and History. Study now. See Answer. Best Answer. Study guides. Old Testament 20 cards. A very important value of the Bible is that it. The Bible came primarily from. The Old Testament included the book of. What is known of the actual words of Jesus.
New Testament 20 cards. People have expressed worship in many ways in various denominations, traditions, cultures, and throughout the history of the church. What if biblical worship is not mainly about music or an event? These can be related to worship, but what is really at the heart of worship? What is worship according to the Bible? The most common words translated worship in the Bible mean to kneel or lay face down before someone as an act of reverence.
Biblical worship is acknowledging that God is the King and results in living lives in light of that truth. What is the word worship in Hebrew, in the Old Testament? The most common word translated worship is shachah. According to A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament Brown-Driver-Briggs , worship means to bow down, prostrate oneself, before a monarch or superior, in homage , etc.
There is someone who is transcendent and glorious and He is worthy of our full allegiance and devotion! The word worship in English means to acknowledge and ascribe worth to someone or something. The Biblical words describe the actual act of worship, that of kneeling, bowing, or lying prostrate on the ground. The English translation describes the reason we would do what the Bible says. Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!
So worship is to bow down or lay our face before God. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth. To worship in spirit is to be led by the living God and to know the joy that comes from fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit is like a refreshing drink of water, a cool breeze, the warmth of a fire. He can also be a torrent, a hurricane, and a wildfire. Our experience of worship can be alive when we worship in spirit.
True worship must first be in spirit — led by the Spirit and involves our spirit, the in-most part of our being. We cannot worship however we want and do whatever we feel like. To worship is to bow before God and to delightfully follow His orders. We get to do what God says and not follow after the sin that used to enslave us. The tendency of worship in spirit without the Word is lawlessness.
The tendency of worship in truth without the Spirit is legalism. We might be doing the right things, but if our hearts are not encountering the living God, then we miss the most important thing. Truth is a person and His name is Jesus John Jesus is building a church that worships in both spirit and in truth.
Jesus is building a church that is neither motivated by legalism nor lawlessness. To truly worship in spirit and in truth is to love God and to keep His commandments John This can only happen when people truly know Jesus, who He is and what He has done.
This draws love from the very core of our being. Jesus is worthy of our worship. It is possible to have intimacy with God and still not truly worship Him. In contemporary worship, sometimes we can talk as if worship is almost synonymous with music. Worship is much more than music or an event like a worship service.
Music is a gift from God and has been associated with Christian worship since the beginning. Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs are part of being filled with the Holy Spirit Eph.
Music is around the very throne of God Rev. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.
They would have hindered Abraham from doing what the Lord had called him to do. Therefore, they had to be left behind. The only two elements allowed in the place of worship was Abraham and the treasure of his heart.
There are many things in life that would hinder our worship. Like those two young men, things would intrude themselves into our worship that have no business being there. We are all aware of the things that compete for our attention when we seek to worship the Lord.
Meals have been prepared in services set aside for worship. Problems have been thought through, relationships pondered, and deals struck in services set aside for worship. All the things that would hinder us: the problems of the flesh, the mind, the world, etc.
Anything that distracts the mind from Him is a hindrance to genuine, biblical worship. Since we have been given that privilege, we have a responsibility. The only way I can do that is separate my mind from any that would hinder it from being totally given over to Him. What has had your attention in this service? He yielded himself to the will of God with no regard for his own will or feelings.
He sacrificed his opinions, his desires, his will, his preferences, and his very future to the glory of God. Abraham did not seek to worship in a way that would allow him to be exalted; he worshiped in a way that brought all glory to God. In other words, Abraham lost himself in the person of God. Abraham forgot about self and did only thing which glorified the Lord.
We must come to Him full of the very thing that delights His heart. Nothing delights the heart of God more than His Son Jesus. If I will enter His presence with a mind and heart full of Christ; if I will speak of the glories of His Darling Son; if I will make must of Jesus, my worship will rise before the Lord like sweet incense.
If we would worship the Lord, we must cease to exalt self and we must focus on exalting Him and Him alone! Real worship happens when we forget about self and get lost in His glory for His for His glory!
Abraham took his son, bond him and placed him on the altar. Abraham raised the knife and fully intended to sacrifice his son to the Lord. He held nothing back!
He yielded every ounce of self to the perfect will of God. God intervened and provided a ram for Abraham to sacrifice in the place of Isaac. It also brought a statement of appreciation from the Lord.