When do i put down grubex

The Answer? Hire a lawn care company to perform a preventative grub control treatment to your lawn EVERY year as part of a proactive lawn care program.

We know the best time to apply whichever material is the latest or greatest product to prevent grubs. This material is applied so that it can get watered in and remain in the soil until grubs hatch and start to feed. Most Lawn Care companies will guarantee this treatment. Previous Article. Next Article. Brown, dry spots: Of course, during the hot summer months or in times of drought, your grass may dry out, wilt and turn brown from lack of water, but if you see this happening during cooler, wetter months, you should suspect grubs or other subterranean pests, such as moles and voles.

If you notice the south side of your lawn seems to be showing more signs of damage than other areas, suspect grubs. Beetles: If you see beetles bumbling about in your grass or flying just above it in the early summer, you know they are laying eggs. GrubEx works as a preventative by preventing eggs from maturing and hatching, so you want to apply it late in the spring and be sure it is present in the soil through mid-summer.

Remember, Grubex takes 10 days to move into grass roots! Do not use in the vegetable garden!! Grubex will work best if material is worked into the soil around plants or if a thorough watering or rainfall occurs within 24 hours after application to move product down through mulch and into the soil. How long does it take GrubEx to work?

Does GrubEx need to be watered in? GrubEx is not activated until it's watered in, and as soon as the lawn dries, it is safe for your family and pets. Can I apply grub control in September? It is not an automatic decision to choose to use an insecticide for white grubs.

By September white grubs are fully-grown and thus harder to kill. Insecticide treatments after early October are not effective and are not recommended. Can I apply GrubEx in August?

Re: GrubEx in May, Grub damage in August Since it takes quite a bit longer to move down to where the grubs will be, it is best to apply a product containing chorantraniliprole as early in the spring as is possible no later than early May for it to be most effective when the grubs hatch in July and Aug. What is the best product to kill grubs? Sevin Concentrate Pest Control, 1-Gallon. How do you know if you have grubs?

To check, lift a piece of your turf. If Grubs are the culprit, the dead patch will roll up like a carpet, or you'll be able to pull up the grass and see that it has no roots. The sprinkler system is on, and We expect to aireate next week. Would you apply GrubEx before or after aireating? Good Luck with your lawn this year. Just put down Step 1 last week before a good soaking rain in Massachusetts. How long should I wait before putting down my Grub X? Apply before a good rain.

Just had Grubex put down today. It is going to rain in two days. Is that okay or should I water sooner? Hi Irene M I have been in the same spot as you on previous occasions. And, then the rain did not happen and I wished I had watered.

Watering would be the safe bet. Rain in two days is almost as good if it actually happens. Good Luck. Hi Ian Once you have watered at least a half inch after putting down GrubEx, you can rake. If your grass still has some roots attached to the soil, I would be careful not to rake too hard since your grass may root down into the soil again if it is still alive like new sod. Can I apply grub ex and summer guard at the same time? During the same application?? Thank u in advance. Hi Renee Ideally you would allow a week between applications of any two lawn products.

If this is not possible, you can spread these two particular products the same day since they both require watering afterward and they are compatible. I would spread the SummerGuard first since it contains lawn food, this way if you happen to get spreader wheel tracks mixed up from the two applications you would not have under or over fed areas of your lawn. Is it safe to eat tart cherries from a cherry tree that had Grubex applied on the lawn around it?

Hi Linda Williams I understand that the active ingredient in GrubEX is used on many fruit crops in commercial agriculture, including cherries. If you believe your control could be reduced either because the granules were not watered in after application or because they were applied to lawn areas with super saturated soils where you may have had standing water and you have had big grub problems in the past another treatment could provide some peace of mind.

But with normal application and conditions your April application should do the trick just fine. Hi Ashton, Reading the label on Grubex … it stated apply spring to early summer. Was this too early?

Should I apply again in May? Hi Jim Gibbons I typically shoot for a May application, however I believe you will be ok with that single application protecting you for the upcoming season. I just reseed my lawn last week. Can I use the crabgrass stopper now or should I wait until the seeds germinate?? Hi marcomtrujillo You can put down Scotts Starter Lawn Food plus Weed Preventer now as it will not keep your grass seed from germinating like other crabgrass preventers.

You should do this ASAP so you prevent as much of the crabgrass as you can. Waiting until your grass seed germinates will be too late. I recently applied more grubex to my lawn. How long should I wait to put grass seeds down? Hi Ebony You can seed now. The GrubEx you applied this spring will protect your lawn from the next round of grubs from eggs laid by beetles in late summer. Hi Anthony The quick answer is yes. Or, you could wait to put down anytime over the next month to maximize the chance to protect your new grass than germinates in the coming weeks.

The hose version. So I will be wetting the grass for the grubb x and also killing weeds! Thank you, Heathet. If you can time the GrubEX application with a rain, then fine, if not do a light watering after spreading.

Do u think the weed and feed hose version is ok? Or should I use the dry from the bag with the spreader? One more thing: The granular needs to be applied to moist foliage on a day when rain is not expected. I inherited a lawn that was old and worn out with lots of brown patches. I planted seeds in late April and put down Scotts starter food with weed control. I just put down more seeds and this time with hay over it and now have sprinklers on timer.

I was planning to put down grubex this week and more starter food in two weeks. However, I just noticed a good amount of a wheat like weed annual bluegrass, Poa annua? Any suggestions? Hi Adam F My guess is you are seeing seeds from the straw germinating.

Depending on what kind of straw you used, it could be wheat or oats. If this is the case, you will find that mowing will help eliminate this problem by the end of the summer. I would try to get the GrubEX down by mid June. Thanks Ashton! Another thought is if this grass grows taller, faster than your other grass, it may be annual ryegrass.

Some seed blends include a small amount of annual ryegrass as a temporary cover until the more permanent grasses develop. This kind of blend is helpful on a sloped area where fast germination of the annual ryegrass helps to hold the soil in place. Mowing this summer will eliminate this grass. I have an older Scotts Easy Green spreader. I set it on My lawn area is over 20, sq. A 10, sq. Can I give it another application now? My last application was on June 3, Thank you.

Hi Lou Sorry you had coverage problems. Since you know your lawn size, sounds like you put down a half rate. You can spread another 10, sq. Be sure to water lightly after spreading. However, I live in Spokane WA. Moved to this new location where earthworm berms are an issue. Any ideas? As you say earthworms help to aerate soil.

I have seen the mounds they create in Spokane lawns. I suggest you feed your lawn 4 times a year: early April, late May, early September, and mid October.

This feeding schedule will encourage root growth and a thicker lawn. I just discovered grubs now in my lawn. Is it too late to apply grubex now or should I just seed the areas and wait till next spring to apply? Hi Eric GrubEX prevents grubs from being a problem when you apply prior to eggs hatching by mid August.

This is the most effective way to deal with a grub problem. Ortho does not make a product like this. Check with your local garden center for a recommendation. I do not have experience with this kind of product, so I am not sure whether you will get them all, however my guess is you will be able to knock back the population.

You could attempt to seed those areas, however you may be getting late depending on your location. Good luck and sorry to hear about your grub problem. Hi, Ashton…thanks for the helpful info. My gardening person has re-planted the areas at least 3 times now.

I know she checked for grubs a couple of times and found a few. And would it be best to lightly till the soil in preparation for replanting and treat before or after adding some organic matter? Hi Susan Leonard It is not uncommon to find a few grubs in the soil.

I think your Liriope problem is Crown Rot, caused by Phytophthora palmivora. The disease is exacerbated by wet soil. Fungicide drenches can control the disease but they are too expensive to consider.

New plants in the same area are likely to catch the disease from the contaminated soil. The tendency is to water when foliage starts to turn yellow. Here are two links to info on this problem from several state Extension Services:. Click to access Liriope. Thanks so much for your reply. Crown Rot was indeed the other thing we suspected and were told what you are saying re: the fungicides. I think the problem was having a huge amount of rain last year after replanting.

Hi Susan Leonard Sounds like a good plan. I believe ferns should be ok even though your soil has the Phytopthora fungus as I have not heard of root rot being a problem for them. Good luck. Can I treat the soil, then top off with new soil and seed? Hi Pat Rouse This is the time of year that you will find grubs when you pull back grass.

They are doing some feeding on your grass roots now, however they will soon shift to the pupae stage kind of like a cocoon to begin the process to become beetles. The beetles you are seeing are likely not feeding on your grass roots as they are waiting for warm weather to emerge from the soil. Some folks say you can treat them now others say there is no need.

A few grubs per square foot should not be a reason to treat. If you are seeing 6 to 8 per square foot you may want to treat. If you decide to treat you will need to use one of the hour grub controls as GrubEX is designed to go down in May to prevent the next generation of grubs from showing up this summer. You can seed these spots, or if the existing grass is not dead, just easily pulled back from the soil, you can feed to encourage more root growth.

It really boils down to how much grub activity you are seeing and if your grass needs to be replaced. Hope I have helped you decide what to do. My name is Jo-Ann. I live in Webster, Massachusetts , I had beautiful lawn last year, I planted 3 years ago.. I noticed I had grubs and moles.. I know I need to put my grub control down in April…Can you give me a list of what I need to do in all 4 seasons.. I go to Home Depot and I get conflicting advice.. Hi Jo-Ann Thanks for giving me your location.

You can also spot spray any weeds with Ortho Weed B Gon. If your lawn looks like it needs a boost in summer you can feed with Turf Builder SummerGuard in July.

GrubEX can go down anytime from April thru mid summer. For most areas of the country, Early May is good timing. I have an ant problem and bought triazicide insect killer for lawns. Can I apply it beginning of April and kill the grubs also.

Then I want to put down the crabgrass preventer and overseed my lawn. When is a good time to spread these items? Hi Chuck Since I am not familiar with triazide it is not a Scotts or Ortho product , I checked it out and learned it does not take care of grubs. It should take care of ants however. If your ant problem is immediate you can treat the areas where the problem is worse. Typically with this kind of product you wait a week before applying other products.

Other crabgrass preventers are not compatible with grass seed. Today I put down Turf Builder with crabgrass preventer. I also bought the GrubEx, it says to put down spring to early summer. I feel you will gain a small amount of increased grub prevention compared to putting it down in early April.

GrubEX controls the next generation of grubs that will hatch in summer. Also, your wet area will likely be drier at that time of year. By the way, I am Ashton.

I believe Dave was the last person asking me a question on this post. Can I apply an instant grub killer, such as the Bayer 24 hr, on top of the grubex? Hi Michelle The grubs you are seeing now are going to be tough to kill even with the 24 hour type product as they are very near their pupae stage where they transition to adult beetles.

When you rototill your garden area you will likely reduce their population. I should also point out that you should check the label to see if that particular product can be applied in an area where vegetables will be planted. Good luck with your vegetable garden. Hi, I am wondering what the timeframe should be between products, or if I can put down any of these together in the same day.

Hi David Typically you want to space Scotts Lawn Food applications about 6 to 8 weeks apart to take full advantage of the timed-release of nutrients. You can jump the gun some if you feel you need to because the lawn was in poor shape when you began feeding, however it is generally not recommended to feed sooner than 4 weeks.


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